Variable Print to Match the Data with Individual Needs
A variable printing solution is one of the most flexible and targeted one-on-one communications for transactional, direct mail and promotional pieces with prospective and current customers. Providing the best response rates, you now have the power to identify as many or as few areas in your variable print document that reflects the variety of needs in your database. Whether it is a short variable print run or high volume print run, Direct Digital has the experience to set-up, print and mail from the straight-forward to highly complex variable print projects.
What Can Be Variable
Variable print options are as simple or complex depending on your business and marketing goals. Set up your own database or we can help with the data set-up.
* Name, title, company name, address, city, state, zip code
* Data within the paragraphs
* Change out entire paragraphs
* Add / remove entire paragraphs
* Signature lines
* Phone numbers
* Color / black & white / spot color
* Graphics / photos / charts with or without data
* Chart calculations
* URL lines, bard codes, coupon numbers, tracking numbers
* And more...
Benefits of Variable Print
Direct Digital has worked with numerous industries on targeted campaigns. Here are a few industries and types of projects. Let us know how we can help broaden your marketing campaign for a single to multi-channel lead generation focus.
* Utilities: annual account summaries
* Mortgage: recalculate mortgage payments based on prime rate
* Not-for-profits: contributions based on previous gift giving
* Accounting: tax forms
* Government: benefits information
Find out how we can save you money with our mailing services. We take the mailing process further down the mailing cycle so you can ensure accuracy, speed and cost savings in sending out your variable print project.